Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Celebrating when lost things are found…

Luke chapter 15 gives us insight into the heart of God.  It reveals that God, and all of heaven, are thrilled when people turn toward God, Himself.  Now, let’s be honest… we usually don’t turn toward God until we are between a rock and a hard place.  It is at the dead ends of life that we begin to consider God as an alternative solution to our problems.  When we have exhausted all the resources we control, THEN we might shift our focus to God.

However, when we consider God as a possible answer to the questions and problems of our lives, we naturally evaluate whether He is the kind of God that would entertain us in our imperfections or would He simply treat us with contempt. Subjecting ourselves to contempt is not an attractive alternative. Life already feels like a series of contemptuous situations. Why should we add to our pain with the pain of a twisted God?

But God is not like that.  In Luke 15, we find Jesus illustrating the nature of life and God in three parables that describe God as a ‘party thrower’ for those who have been lost on the side roads of life.  He, and all of heaven, celebrate when valuable items are found.  The parable of the two sons is the most expansive of the parables and probably the most pertinent.  In it, we find a father who radically loves his sons, both of whom actually do not want a relationship with the Father but only his things.  Circumstances begin to mold both of these sons; one for the good and one is yet to be determined.

Join us to wrestle with this story and what it has to say.
