Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Palooza = Party!

You guys! It’s Palooza time again! Are you new to Quest and have no idea what the heck we’re talking about? That’s OK! A palooza is just our weird-O way of saying party. Do we really need a reason to throw a party? Personally, I don’t think so.

While this upcoming Palooza was planned to be an outdoor deal, the weather isn’t looking so great for that. You know what though? That’s OK! We can still party it up inside and be juuuuuuuust fine!

So, here’s how we see the morning sorta going (some details are subject to change because that’s just how we roll… and we’re mad with power – MMWAHahahahahaha! Ok, maybe not)… Quest service is at 10am, as usual. After service is over (around 11:15am), we’ll get the potluck buffet set up, everyone will find a seat and we’ll eat! The main dish (BBQ pulled pork and pulled chicken) and drinks are being provided – HOWEVER, I DID say this party was a potluck right? So, the side dishes and desserts are up to you. Bring one… bring two… whatever!

There are a few details that are important to know about the food side of things. Please don’t plan to put cold dishes in the refrigerator in the kitchen. It’s not big enough to hold everyone’s dishes and it’s usually full of things needed for ministry events. So if you’re bringing something cold, pack it up in a cooler or something to keep it chilled through service. Also, plugs for Crockpots are few and far betweenWe will have a Gluten Free table set up at the Palooza, so if you’re bringing GF food, look for that.

After we eat, you’re welcome to hang out or head to the lower level where we’ll set up some games (sort of like the New Year’s Palooza) or outside if it’s not too wet. Parents, if your kids head down to play, please make sure to go with them. There won’t be people “in charge” to oversee everything happening down there, so you need to be responsible for your crew.

Rain or shine, we’ll have a great time! See you Sunday!
