Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

You’ve Been Given Something Special

Imagine driving into church. There’s nobody in the parking lot to welcome you and point you to a parking space. You want to take your kids to Quest Kids… but there’s nobody there. There’s nobody in the lobby to welcome you with a warm smile and a “Hey, how’s is going?” You walk into the auditorium… *GASP* There are no donuts or coffee! The screen is blank. There is no music. You sit in your seat. Kevin gets up on stage… you can barely hear him because his mic is off. You think to yourself, “What is happening???”

This doesn’t seem to be a very effective morning at Quest. What’s missing? Our volunteers! Quest would be a sorry sight without it’s amazing and dedicated teams of volunteers that literally make Sunday mornings (and many other things throughout the week) happen. Sure, the preaching is alright… but without the areas surrounding it, it’s hard to connect to the message, to the people here, and most importantly, to God.

Church isn’t the building. It isn’t made of brick and mortar… or plaster and siding… it doesn’t even have windows and doors or a roof for that matter. It’s PEOPLE. People make the church. People make Quest. If the people aren’t connected and involved, the church doesn’t function.

So I ask you, where are you connected? Is it in a small group? Is it on a Sunday morning? Is it in a ministry? Do you feel fulfilled by what you’re doing? Are you using the gifts that God, Himself, has given you to bless and further the Kingdom? Would you like to find a way to get plugged in and use those amazing gifts and talents that you have while, at the same time, forming connections within the Quest community?

There’s a common rule that circulates about many churches. It’s the 80/20 rule. Typically, 80% of the work at any given church is done by 20% of the people. We want to break that statistic! Every single person has something to offer – something to bring to the table – something to bless their community with. What’s your gift? Is it people? Maybe you could be a stellar welcomer! Do you have a heart for kids? Quest Kids could use more amazing teachers (especially this summer)! Do you have soundboard or media experience? Maybe our tech and media team is a perfect fit for you. Do you have an amazing gift of administration and/or organization? We could use your skills! There are so many areas that could use more amazing people. Wherever your interests are, whatever skills or gifts that you have – you’ve been given something special… so use them! It’s what you’ve been created to do.

If you’re looking for a place to plug in, or maybe a different place to plug in, you can fill out our online volunteer form below or sign up at the ministry table on Sunday mornings. Feel free to chat with our ministry leaders or current volunteers to find out more about what they do and how you could get involved.

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Phone Number*

    I'm interested in serving in the area(s) of:

    Tech Team (Sound/Media/Video)Hospitality TeamParking Lot TeamWelcome TeamSafety TeamQuest Kids: Children's MinistryQuest Students: Youth GroupWorship BandMissions and Outreach

    Other area (please specify):