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For God So Loved the WORLD

The past few weeks during this advent season, we’ve discussed John 3:16,

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It is one of the foundational verses reflecting God’s purpose and God’s plan.  For His glory, He sent Jesus to save the world because He so loved the world.  Now, when we read “the world,” what do we think of?  Does it mean the plants and rocks? …or, the vast solar system? No, it means you and me.  BUT it’s not just you and me, it also means, as stated in Revelation 5:9,

…because you (Jesus) were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 

That is God’s plan for the world of humanity!  Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life with God because of Jesus’ sinless life and shed blood on the cross. 

As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the coming birth of Jesus Christ, we want to celebrate and be a part of God’s purpose and God’s plan.  We have an opportunity to partner with WISH ministries in the city of Anse-a-Galets on the island of La Gonave in the country of Haiti.  WISH has a youth center in the community that shares the Love of Christ with all who enter its gates. It is a safe place that offers opportunities to grow, learn and to be loved.  That is very important as this is a community that is called the “poorest of the poor.”  Many of the youth do not attend school because schools cost money. They are left to the streets which offers little to nothing. The youth center provides attention, encouragement and hope through classes, events and relationships.  Unfortunately, this youth center, which does amazing things in the community, is need of repair and updates.  

We (Quest), along with other churches, are sending teams to Anse-a-Galets to help renovate the youth center.  Quest will be sending down two teams during the first part of February to build a pavilion in the courtyard where people can gather together and experience love.  To help build the pavilion, we will use 100% of the offering from our Christmas Eve service.  If you will not be attending the Christmas Eve service but want to participate in the funding of this project, please feel free to give to this project by writing “Advent Conspiracy” in the memo field of your check and submit it at your convenience.

To God be the Glory and thank you for being a part of His purpose and plan! 
