Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

What Does it Look Like to Love Our Community?

What does it look like to love our community?

Well, the answer to that question is not complicated but it could look like a million different things… depending on what God provides for us to do on any given day or in any given circumstance.  Each of us will have opportunities day in and day out – IF we keep our eyes and ears open both to hear God’s voice and see the open doors He provides for us to walk through.  That is what makes life a great adventure… allowing God to direct our steps so they are in sync with His will.

One of the wide open doors that God has provided for us is with the local elementary school and the beginnings of opportunities with the local middle school… and we are really excited to get involved.  In Jeremiah chapter 29, God instructs the exiled Jews to seek the welfare of the city in which God had sovereignly placed them among the Babylonians.  That seems a bit radical to me… to seek the good of the very people who are holding you captive… are you kidding God?  But that is what God said and therefore that is what the Jews did.

We are not held captive in any way, but God has sovereignly placed us in a unique location just down the road from schools who are working hard to service the educational needs of young people and their families.  Truthfully, the schools end up doing so much more than simply teaching… they are helping develop the whole person as these young people grow, learn and discover their identity.  This is a great opportunity for us to partner with them.

One of the key elements of our partnership with the schools is having enthusiastic Quest leadership that can mobilize our congregation.  As soon as opportunities at the elementary school presented themselves, God raised up Kelly Moore to head the charge.  She has done a great job and continues to inform us all on events for the future.  I would encourage us all to join in the fun, if at all possible.  

If we are faithful with this first school, I would not be surprised if the Lord gave us another open door at another.  That would mean we would need more leadership and more volunteers to touch the lives of families in our community.  Who knows, He might give us in-roads to other dimensions of the community, where we can build bridges of relationships and demonstrate the love of Christ.

All that to say that loving those in our community will stretch us but it will also be profoundly impactful for the good of our community and the glory of God… and that is what we want to do.  

Keep your eyes and ears open for more opportunities in the near future.

