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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Decorating for Christmas

chrsitmasdecorimageChristmas. It’s a big time of year for a church. It holds so much tradition, so many memories and the promise of so much hope. We’ll have lots of visitors walk through our doors and we want to be ready for them. Quest wants to provide a place that is inviting, warm, friendly and helps people connect to this special time of year.

Decorating our new building for Christmas is a big job and we’re looking for several helping hands to pitch in. We’ll have trees to assemble, lights to be lit, ornaments to hang, ribbon to wrap, halls to deck, wreaths to adorn and the list goes on. If you have a love for this coming season, a love for the people of Quest and our surrounding community and a couple hours of an afternoon to give, would you please consider signing up for the Christmas Decorating Party on November 20th?

After service on the 20th, we’ll be decking the halls (and the auditorium… and the lobby… and the lower level) of Quest. This way, the place will be all ready to go for the Christmas season after Thanksgiving. Lunch will be provided for those who stay to help decorate. However, we need to know how many to expect so we have enough food. So, please sign up on Sunday at the volunteer table or sign up now by filling out the online form below. Thank you!

Registration has been closed for this event.