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A Time of Prayer Together

I would like to invite you all to join together on Sunday, November 6th (two days before the elections), from 5-6 pm in the Lower Level of our new building to PRAY… not primarily for the elections however! Our focus will be to pray for our church and the churches throughout the United States.  

While it is very important that we pray for the elections that will take place nationally, state-wide and locally – we should pray for those who will be elected and that God’s grace might bless them as they prepare to carry out their responsibilities – we also need to pray that God’s people might be light in the darkness of our culture and salt in the midst of a tasteless world.  No matter who wins these elections, there are going to be huge challenges, formidable roadblocks and profound healing that needs to take place in our nation and among our fellow Americans.

The various perspectives that define our differences are not insignificant.  We ought to stand for what we think is right and honorable in light of the glory of God and His character.  However, politics will continue to be as broken as it has always been because politics involve people trying to find solutions from the ingenuity of mankind.  As good as that sounds, we know that the real solution is found in the powerful presence of God Himself and His unmatchable ways of life.  

Those who make up the church, the assembly, the congregation, the body of Christ are called to be a fragrant aroma of Christ in the midst of our culture no matter which political party carries the election.  This will be a great opportunity for Christ to be revealed as the true source of hope.  Believing that to be true, and believing that we desperately need God to work in us before He will work through us, we need to pray for our church and the churches throughout the United States to clearly look like Him in the days to come.

So please, join us on Sunday, November 6th, at 5pm in the Lower Level of our building.


Kevin Hughes