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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Scandalous Love

There is something scandalous about love no matter what, and the love of God is the most scandalous of all.  His love is a love that absorbs, on Himself, the brokenness and shame of our lives, rather than hold them against us.  The condition of the human soul is a tragic mess, covered by a thin veil that tries to pass us off as ‘doing great’ when in reality everything so easily falls apart.  It is that tragic mess that Christ offers to take on himself so that we can be transformed.

In order for that love to be demonstrated and illustrated God many times asks his people to experience the tragedies of life.  It is through the pain of life that we learn the depth of love.  That pain is what God uses to mold our hearts and minds to have empathy for those around us who are in need of escaping the trap of shame and sin.

This is the message of Hosea.  This is the message of God.  This is the message of life.  This is the message of that can take hold in the depths of who we are.