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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest “Bookstore”

If I were to boil down my library of books to the ones that have made the most difference and the highest impact in my life, there would be a dozen or so.  They would cover a variety of subjects, but the most important ones have addressed the deepest issues of the human heart – a heart that is capable of amazing beauty and yet equally amazing ugliness.  It is a heart that aches for fulfillment, yet is cracked and broken throughout.  A handful of the books on my imaginary shelf are available on Sunday mornings in the corner of the auditorium.  I would encourage you to consider picking up one to read.

Loving Yourself / Love Is A Feeling To Be Learned by Walter Trobisch is a must read for everyone, maybe especially high school/college students and young adults.  It is a simple book that is profoundly not simplistic.  I describes love that is radically different from what our culture is selling. It explains by suffering is an important part of love, as least a love that can be mature and endure.  Trobisch was a German missionary to Africa following his participation in WWII.  He continued his relational ministry to young Africans even after returning to Europe and has a ton to say to us today.

The Mark of a Christian by Francis Schaffer is a very short but defining book that expands and explains the foundational statement of Jesus that “the world will know that we are His disciples by our love for one another”.  Love has to be the defining quality of a Christian.  This short book will motivate and instruct your heart in a meaningful way.

How We Love and How We Love Our Kids by Milan and Kay Yerkovich have been a staple in the Hughes household for the last ten years.  They have helped Diane and I understand ourselves and one another in some new and very helpful ways.  These books define and describe the unfortunate substitutes we have adopted in place of real love.  The patterns we develop to help us survive in relationships can not hold up to the pressures of life and we need to learn healthier and more Christ-like patterns of love.  These books will help you immensely.

The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller is a actually a DVD series of six sessions you can do individually, as a couple, or in a small group.  The book by the same title is excellent and the DVD series go the extra step to help us understand and apply the transformative truths concerning God and our efforts to position ourselves in light of His love for our advantage.  In story that we usually focus on the younger rebellious son and the father, we find that Jesus is using the story to confront the Pharisees with their similarity to the older “obedient” son.  This book is both enriching and yet convicting of our pharisaical attitudes.

These materials are meant to be a rich resource for your growth and deepening your walk with God.  I have found all five of these resources to be very helpful to me and they sit on my “most important books” shelf. Enjoy!!