Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Exciting World of SPORTS!

Did I get your attention? I hesitate to write an article that would say, “The exciting world of Quest Kids!” because I feel many would just ignore reading it by saying, “Well, I don’t want to teach kids so I don’t need to read this.” I’m asking you to please read and prayerfully consider serving.

Even if you have never before considered Quest Kids as a place of service for you, you are encouraged to give it a try and experience for yourself the exciting world of Quest Kids ministry.

Children are a part of this body and need both men and women who love the Lord in each and every classroom and who are willing to be part of the process of pointing kids in the right direction… that of seeking Christ Jesus and knowing His Word.

The investments, you as volunteers make, are sticking in these kids lives! We are growing and children are coming and going on personal spiritual journeys through the ministry in Quest Kids. We have had amazing teachers in our new church and thankfully we need even more! We see kids excited to come and participate on Sunday mornings and we pray God will continue to bless our efforts.

A Place For Every Type of Spiritual Gift and Calling

Those with the gift of administration can help organize the classroom, organize the resource room, send out mailings etc. Do you have a leadership gift? How about serving as lead coordinators and or trainers? Hospitality? Organize lunches for occasional training meetings, or greet parents and kids at the registration table.

The gifts of wisdom, encouragement, and teaching are all needed in the classrooms to pour into the lives of the children. Kids respond to different people just like we do. There are volunteer positions open in every age group nursery through 6th grade.

  • Large group creative communicators, as well as those who love small group relational shepherding are needed
  • People who desire to lead children in true worship through music are also needed
  • People of prayer are needed for children and teachers alike
  • We also have a few children who are in need of a special “friend” to come alongside them

THIS YEAR: We are looking for 15 teachers and helpers to rotate a month on and a month off.

We want to add a new 2nd and 3rd grade classroom to better divide the age groups as well as a new nursery room.

TEENS: We have been blessed with 5 teens who have faithfully and excellently served for several years– they are all heading to college this fall – so we are calling upon teens, 7th grade and up, to come train and serve with us too.

Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to help this coming school year. Questions? Karen, Angela, or Laurie would be happy to talk more about this with you.