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Hey Questers – Guess What?? 

German Mission Team
Jess-Team Leader (FCA Area Rep), Tom , Dee, Zach (Conductor on Norfolk Southern RR), Carrie (upcoming freshman at Samford University in AL), Steve (Missions and Outreach Pastor) Kaylee (upcoming soph at Murray State University in KY).

Next week we have a team leaving on our first Quest mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  We will help the Evangelical Free Church (FeG) of Bonn in hosting an American Sports camp.  The camp will be attended primarily by non-believing teenagers from the inner city.  Our German brothers and sisters want to share the Love of Christ with these youngsters and their families – who, by the way, come from a multitude of backgrounds.  They will do this through a variety of events and activities throughout the week, interweaving scripture and the gospel.

We will also facilitate ESL classes (English as a Second Language) as well as American Sports (football, baseball and lacrosse).  This type of American Sports camp has been an effective ministry over in Dresden, Germany for the past several years.  Tim Dyck, from the FeG Bonn church, and several Quest team members have all participated in the Dresden camp. About 3 years ago, Tim reached out to Quest and asked us to consider doing a camp in Bonn.

Untitled2Well, you already know the outcome to the question… through prayer, God’s leading and timing, our relationship with Tim, the passion of Questers and an effective strategy to reach German youth… we leave next week for Bonn and will get back home on Sunday, July 17th.  The actual camp runs Sunday, July 10th through Saturday, July 17th.  God says in Matt 5:16, 

…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

It is our hope and prayer that through this camp, the light of Christ will shine to bring glory to our heavenly Father.

One last thing, you all are a part of this team as well and can help.  Please be praying for campers, the German leaders and our team.
