Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


Part of our being ‘equipped’ for a life of maturity is understanding that God has gifted us with His grace expressed in and through us.  Each of us has been designed and wired with a uniqueness that was His doing.  That uniqueness is expressed in all sorts of ways (you personality, your physical appearance, your passions, your interests, etc.).  One of those unique expressions of God’s design is the ‘spiritual gift or gifts’ that He has bestowed on each follower of Christ.  These ‘spiritual gifts’ are intended to enable and empower His people, to advance and enhance His kingdom, in and through His church (the people of His assembly or congregation).  

I would encourage each of you to become informed and encouraged by knowing, or having a strong sense of the ‘spiritual gifts’ that the Spirit has given you. They express themselves naturally even if you don’t think about them very often, but the apostle Paul encourages us to desire the gifts and obviously it would make sense to deeply appreciate and respect the gift(s) He has given you.  If you are unsure what those gifts are I would encourage you to ask the Lord to help you discern what they are…..also ask those around you to share their observations of how God uniquely uses you.  You also might take an assessment that might help you.  There are several assessments you can go online and take.  Remember that these are manmade assessments trying to identify ‘spiritual’ realities so they are not perfect… but they can be helpful.  Remember also to answer the questions as to who you actually are rather than who you wish you were.

Two suggestions: 

