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The Harvest Is Plentiful

After a good night’s sleep I jumped out of my cozy bed and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.  Next, I had some quiet time in the living room before heading to the kitchen.  There, I started preparing eggs and sausage as the rest of the family showered and got ready for their day.  We had water, orange juice and chocolate milk with the meal that we enjoyed this morning.  So, as you read this your thinking… really Steve?!  Why are you boring us with a typical morning routine that most of us do in one form or fashion every day?  Well, as I washed the dishes at the sink watching the sun come over the trees, it got me thinking about our upcoming trip to Anse-a-Galet on the island of La Gonave, Haiti.  And, as they are just 1 hour ahead of us there, it got me thinking that they are probably going through their morning routines right now as well.  Do you wonder what that might be like?  In some ways, it’s probably the same but in many ways it is drastically different.  They are not afforded the many things we have and experience in a typical day.  How does that impact us?  How should that impact us?

The church, which is the body of believers that include you and me, is the visible expression and instrument through which God uses to reveal His Glory to the world in order to redeem people to Himself through the saving work of Jesus Christ.  In Jesus’ ministry and teachings He tells His followers to have compassion on the widow, orphan and poor.  Let’s read Matthew 9:35-38:

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”  Notice that Jesus had compassion on the helpless while proclaiming the gospel.  He then commands His people to do the same because the world (the harvest field) desperately needs Jesus.

This Sunday, the Quest Haiti team leaves to travel to the island of La Gonave, Haiti.  You all and the team are answering Jesus call to go out into the harvest field.  Glory be to God, because of your selfless consideration, for the $11,700 received from the Quest Advent Conspiracy.  This will allow the rebuilding of the facilities that house the feeding program for school children and the surrounding community.  This will allow the love and compassion of Christ to be shown through the ministry of Pastor Foglas and his church.  This will allow the people of Anse-a-Galet to have hope and, for them, a typical morning and day.




One Comment

  1. We will be praying for you and the team during your time in Haiti, and then when you get back let us know that time to be there for breakfast.

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