Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Belonging Translates into Being Equipped

In the last three weeks, we have seen from I Corinthians that three aspects of BELONGING are…

  1. Embracing the fact that we all ‘sit on the bench rowing together’ as equals under the Lordship of Christ… that He is the only captain of this ship called “the church.”  
  2. That we all sit on that bench together, arranged and organized by the Captain of the ship and in His infinite wisdom so that we will love, care and protect one another.  
  3. Last week, we discovered in I Corinthians 14 that Paul anticipated that the skeptic and the inquirer would be among us so we are obligated to function in a manner that helps them understand the gospel in its clarity and in its power.

In order to effectively accomplish what it means to BELONG for all of us (the skeptic, the inquirer, and the already convinced), we will all have to be EQUIPPED to live the life He has called us to – a life where He lives in us and through us in the uniqueness of His design. You are a one of a kind… and together we are designed to be a well functioning body… one body that has lots of parts that do specific things so that the whole body can be magnificent.  The body of Christ (the Church) takes its direction from the Head (Christ) so that His glory might be revealed.  So, therefore… we each need to be be EQUIPPED to do what He has designed us to do individually and together.

We will start looking at EQUIPPING this Sunday… see you then.
