Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

It’s Check-Up Time

Check-up… that brings to mind a visit to the doctor to do things and talk about things that we would rather not do nor talk about… but it would probably be really good for us. Sometimes a simple test can reveal something really important. What is true of our physical health can be true of our spiritual health as well. That is why we are providing a diagnostic you can use to evaluate your spiritual health. It is called the “Church Health Diagnostic Survey: Your Spiritual Health Exam” and it is available in the lobby on Sunday mornings for only $5.  What we would like for you to do is pick one up, read through it and follow the instructions on taking the assessment. It will bring you to page 9 where it will  have you graph your answers on 13 different spiritual disciplines. Remember that these activities are not the indicator of your health… but they can help reveal where you are and are not investing your time, energy and attention.

Once you have taken the assessment, we would like you to make a copy of page 9 and give it to us (no names please – keep it anonymous). We will compile these to get an idea of how we are doing as a group. We would like to finish this effort by the end of October so don’t wait to long to get involved!

In addition, there is a supplemental answer sheet we would like you to use in taking the assessment with our church as a whole in mind.  This will help us see if our perception of Quest is consistent with the actual compilation of us as individuals.  

When we finish this project we will give you a report concerning our ‘spiritual health’.  We will also use this information to help determine what we need to address and how we might do that.  

Just like your doctor would make a plan for your physical health after a check-up, we too will let the facts guide us to help us be a healthier church that can actually be “in and for the community.”

Your Bro,
