Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Baby Bottle Drive is Thriving!

Over $870,000 and still counting! Throughout the metro area ministries, churches and friends of Thrive (over the last several weeks) had Baby Bottle Blast drives to support the Thrive ministry. The collaborative effort of all was also followed up with a celebration at the annual Thrive dinner this last week. It was a great example of the body of Christ coming together in support of women and their unborn children.  This vital ministry brings the hope of Christ to pregnant women in difficult situations through love, encouragement, ultrasounds, counseling, training and the gospel.

So, a big thank you goes out to all of Quest for supporting and participating in the Baby Bottle Blast event we had.  Quest Kids rallied in support of Thrive sacrificing some of their allowance, finding loose change around the house and by sharing with their family and friends about the ministry of Thrive. 

What a blessing for young and old to serve in support of Thrive, to understand how precious life is and how much God cares for us.  In Psalm 139:14, David is speaking to God,

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”  

We to should give praise to God because we are fearfully and wonderfully made! Amen.  I encourage you to read Psalm 139 as it is has blessed me many times over the years. It reveals many aspects of who God is, as our Creator and how much He cares for us.

