Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

A Common Goal

The new school year has already started for some schools, and within the next week, most schools will be in session. The administrators, teachers and other staff are geared up and ready for the mass invasion of students from all walks of life. They are a special group of people with unique gifting, giving hearts and a dedication to serving student communities. They come along side the next generation (and their families) to teach, counsel, protect and help them. In essence, they are seeking the welfare of the community they serve. Sound familiar?

Well, it’s a common goal that we share with the schools. You’ve heard us say that Quest desires to be a church that is in and for the community and we want to “seek the welfare of the community God has placed us.” The God of the universe has given us, Quest, the opportunity to partner with schools – to join them as they care for the well being of students they serve.  It started with Crestview but has expanded to other schools and even other school districts. God has opened the door for us to help stock food pantries, help with school supplies, provide meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas and the opportunity to come along side individual families with love and support during difficult times. As we enter into this next school year, we will continue to focus on schools and building relationships with the school community.

Now, with the school year starting, Crestview tries to help as many students as they can that are in need of school supplies.  Again this year, we have the opportunity to help them with that. Check out this short, but vital, list:

  • Zipper binders (canvas that zip up around the outside)
  • Combination locks
  • Backpacks (solid colors, no characters)
  • 3-holed folders that fit into the zippered binders
  • General supplies like paper, notebooks, pens/pencils, etc

You can place the newly purchased supplies in the food pantry crate in the lobby on Sunday morning. If you have any questions, then please contact Lisa Schuchardt.
