Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Where are We?

As August has finally come into full view, the muggy summer days and fun family vacations are in the rearview mirror. However, as students head back to school, they are walking back into, not just a place where they learn, make new friends, and figure out who they are, but a place where the world seemingly offers them much more than Christianity ever could. With everything that gets thrown at them, it no surprise to me that we see so few students interested in this guy named Jesus. But why? Are we really so lost as a culture and a people that students would rather watch Netflix than see what Christ can do in their lives? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

So why do I look at Scripture and see people who were enthralled with Jesus and what he was doing, while I look at students today who couldn’t care less. Have we missed something? #realtalk is a popular expression in social media and among students. However, many parents, teachers, coaches and youth workers alike don’t seem real to students. Being genuine is something that has fallen by the wayside. They see these adults who are a part of their lives saying follow Jesus, read your bible, pray, go to youth group and be excited about your faith. Yet, those adults, those CHRISTIAN adults, are not displaying the excitedness and passion for their walk that they ask students to have. They don’t see them excited to pray, dedicated to scripture reading or motivated to serve.

And that’s exactly what made Jesus so polarizing. That’s what drew people to him. Jesus was exciting. Following him was even more exciting. Walking alongside Jesus was, and is, an adventure. It is full of disappointment, struggle and loss, but it is also full of joy, hope and ultimately victory! It is time to start living enamored by Jesus so our students, friends, family members and everyone we interact with stops and says, “Wow I want some of whatever it is they’ve got!” Let’s make a pledge this school year to start living out our exciting, adventurous faith!!!