Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest’s Thrive Baby Bottle Blast

ThriveHey Questers! It has been a joy and heartwarming to see how God has worked through Quest.  You all are so generous with your time, talent and treasures that God has given you! Our community and ministry partners have been directly impacted with the Love of Christ by our Quest family.  One of our partners, Thrive, plays such an important role in our community and we value our relationship with them.  Thrive’s ministry comes along side pregnant women, offering free medical services, counseling, life coaching and parent training. This past year, Thrive staff and volunteers ministered to and helped over 1500 women throughout their pregnancies. Over 60 of those women made a decision for Christ.  This is all possible because of the financial and volunteer support from people like you and others in the community. 

We are excited to kick off our Baby Bottle Blast this Sunday, July 19th. The congregation, along with Quest Kids, will play an important role in supporting Thrive and their ministry through collecting coins, bills and checks and putting them into the baby bottles.  Here are some goal setting details for you:  

  • One hour of ministry is $33 (1 hr a month for 12 months would be $396)
  • One ultrasound is $60 (a years worth of ultrasounds is $720);
  • One day for J.A.K.E. (the new college bound mobile medical center) is $500
  • $1200 helps one woman with ALL her medical services, counseling, and training

Wouldn’t it be exciting for our Quest family to be used by God and raise enough support to impact the lives and families of 2, 3, 4 or more women?  The Blast will end August 30th.  During the Blast, you can pick up new bottles and drop off your filled bottles any time in the lobby. For more information about Thrive, opportunities to volunteer and the Baby Bottle Blast, please stop by the Thrive table in the lobby this Sunday, July 19th or contact Melissa Lay.

To God be the glory!
