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An Apology and Retraction

I owe you all an apology and a retraction of something I said a few weeks ago on Sunday morning in our worship service. During a time of reflecting on a series of unfortunate events in the world, our culture and in the Christian church sub-culture, I reported that Pope Francis had made a statement during a Vatican speech equating the Koran with the Bible, as well as Jesus with Mohammed and God with Allah. The Pope did not, in fact, say anything like that. I was wrong and I am embarrassed to have made such an unfortunate mistake as well as having demonstrated such poor scholarship. I did not check and recheck my sources enough. In the midst of a busy week, I thought that the website was actually The Washington Post and, therefore, credible. The website ended up being That website is in no way connected with The Washington Post. It is in fact a site that propagates a variety of hoaxes and misinformation. I missed noticing the “.co” at the end of the address and that this site resides outside of the United States. Therefore, I apologize for passing the ‘hoax’ and ‘misinformation’ on to you. I will make sure I double check the sources I use for helping you understand the events of our day.