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Memorial Day: Not Just Another Day Off

When each day is done we seldom seem to have the time and energy to take stock of our lives and the affairs of the world around us. We are busy doing all sorts of things and then we drop our weary bodies into bed and crash into sleep or find ourselves sleepless and worrying about things we can’t control in our futures. We usually do not have time to take a look backwards in order to deeply remember and be grateful for what and who have come before us.  

Memorial Day is an opportunity to do just that!  We as a people would be wise to deeply remember and be grateful for the profoundly selfless sacrifice of the men and women who gave their lives in the service of our country! Jesus said there is no greater love than to give of lives for one another. It reflects the heart of God, who gave His only Son as a ransom for us. Together let’s stop and give our thanks for the heroes of our country.
