Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Future… Live, Give, Thrive

All across the area, young adults are attending colleges and universities. They are learning more about themselves through their independence and a wide range of campus activities. They are gaining in knowledge, skill and brain power through the coursework taken. They are preparing for their future. This can be an exciting time of life! Then it happens… an unplanned pregnancy. Suddenly, everything is questioned… the future, relationships, options. Through their college ministry, Thrive St. Louis can help women navigate these challenging times with loving care, medical assistance, answering questions about pregnancy options, and helping them to find hope.

Thrive St. Louis says,

God has given us a very special mission. We call it LIFE in St. Louis and it’s a vision for joining the love of Christ with stunningly effective, life affirming resources, services and support. Bringing life to every woman facing a crisis pregnancy is now within reach.

With our support for and partnership with Thrive, God can change the lives of these college students by giving them hope through the love of Christ, life, and a future.

Now, some exciting news… to help serve the college campuses better, Thrive has a new, sleek mobile unit called JAKE. JAKE will be able to travel to the college campuses and provide many of the services and care offered by Thrive. JAKE is new and will be introduced Saturday, May 16th during the Thrive Mobile Marathon. If you would like to be a part of the Mobile Marathon by donation or participating, please contact Melissa Lay or stop by the Thrive ministry table in the foyer before or after service.

God Bless,