Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

The Golden Milestone

‘Milestones’….markers along a route helping the traveler measure their progress and direction. Since Roman times ‘milestones’ have played a role in almost every road project in the western world. In the Roman Empire there was a ‘golden milestone’ in the center of Rome, from which every other milestone was measured. This ‘golden milestone’ was seen as the beginning, that starting point of a journey of immense proportion, fraught with profound dangers as well as exciting discoveries.

Without trying to overstate the situation, I believe that Quest is standing at the ‘golden milestone’ of our journey. For two years we have been laying the foundation, we have been testing our viability, we have been seeking the mind of Christ and the will of God as to whether He wants Quest to join the churches and ministries of West County in building His Kingdom here and around the world. Through these years we have made our mistakes, we have clearly been short of awesome, and we have proven we have a lot to learn. However, God has shown Himself faithful and generous. He has collected an amazing group of people into a circle of relationships who are wrestling with life’s challenges, dealing with life’s hurts, and who at times scrape the edges of despair. Through it all He is infusing His Spirit into our lives and providing hope for our daily trek.

And now, in the next month or two, the adventure of being a church with all the elements of what the New Testament prescribes will officially begin. We are in the midst of establishing a formal membership (don’t forget the next two hour class on January 8th) of those who are driving their stake in the ground to belong. We are on the doorstep of confirming a ‘Team of Elders’ who are supposed to shepherd the church with sacrificial love and devotion. We are finalizing our association with the Evangelical Free Church of America. As these three dimensions of the ministry weave themselves together we will soon find ourselves beginning a new and more unique journey as a church.

I don’t think that the miles ahead of us will always be smooth. There will be dangers along the way. There may be casualties. There will certainly be injuries and disappointments. However, there will also be great discoveries. There will be elaborate celebrations. There will be times of praise and honor. There will be times of rest and refreshment. There will be times to glimpse the glory of God in the eyes and hands of those around us. There will be times when as a church family we will work through our dysfunctions and hopefully grow into a more mature and effective tool of God’s grace and truth. I for one feel privileged to stand among you all as we watch the goodness of God use us, inadequate in ourselves but made adequate for His purposes by His power and grace. So, let’s begin…….January 11th will be an important date to put on your calendar and make sure you are at Quest that particular Sunday.