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Hurricane Matthew’s Effect on WISH in Haiti

It always amazes me to see how God works through His people, His ambassadors.  At least, when I take time to notice it.  God is at work every day here, and all around the world.  But, life gets busy with family, work, chores and to do lists.  This can pull me away from the eternal joy and peace of being a follower of Jesus Christ and the joy of witnessing God’s love in action.  However, from time to time, God grabs my attention and reveals His majesty.  So, let me share with you how God used a group of children to make a difference in the lives of people those children don’t even know.

First, let me set the scene for you…  If you been keeping up with the news, you either saw or read how Hurricane Matthew devastated the southwestern peninsula of Haiti and killing over 1,000 people.  This was the hardest hit area, but the reality is that the whole country was severely impacted and there are many, many needs.  It will take a long time for all the needs to be met and could change mission plans for months to come. 

We, here at Quest, have a partnership with WISH ministries in the city of Anse-a-Galet on the island of LaGonave, Haiti.  We have sent a team there the past two years and two teams going there this February.  Here is an excerpt from a note that the missionary Robin Churchill sent to the board of directors of WISH in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew,

After doing an assessment, this is what we have decided to do as a response: Things are very wet and the biggest need is to get by until the place dries out. Further assessment can be done after that. Because of the improvements done this past year to Pastor Foglas’ feeding program, (thank you Quest), they weathered the storm well. We are going to buy the same quantity of food we would normally buy each week for the feeding program. ‎They will cook it and distribute it to those that have need. This will only last as long as that food lasts. This will get those on the Saline over the hump.

Because of the hurricane devastation they are in great need of food supplies. The program Robin is referring to normally feeds about 180 children one meal at lunch Monday through Friday and, for most, it’s the only meal they will eat for the day. But, the need to supply the Saline community is even greater now. 

Ok, it’s time to pull this thing together.  Over the past few months, Quest Kids did fundraising to provide food for the feeding program that Robin is referring to.  The rest of the Quest community was given an opportunity to be a part of what the kids did as well.  The money was sent, the hurricane hit, food is in short supply and is desperately needed. What the Quest kids started doing over the summer will provide over 4,780 meals to the children and people ministered to by Pastor Foglas and WISH at a very critical moment.  At the time, the kids didn’t know (heck, none of us knew!) that the hurricane was going to hit Hait,i and none of us knew that there was going to be such a need for food – but our sovereign God, in His perfect timing, knew and provided. 

For that, I am humbled and amazed.
