Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Partnering to Provide

There is an organization in the community whose doors are open to all who come through and they seek the welfare of the people in their community. They love people right where they are and value who they are as people. They do not judge or reject. They nurture, teach, support and encourage people who come to their organization. If you were to guess what I was just describing, you would probably say a church. That would be a good answer, but this also describes the schools in our community. Schools have the challenging task of serving all who come through their doors and interacting with people from all walks of life. The administration and teachers do an amazing job of making sure that all the students they serve are protected and cared for as they teach and prepare them for life.

God has uniquely place Quest at Crestview Middle School and has given us the opportunity to come alongside them in so many ways. Through the circle of relationships that Questers have in the community, we have been able to do the same for other schools in the area.  One such school is Ellisville Elementary. Ellisville is a feeder school to Crestview, located in the adjoining neighborhood.  Administrators, teachers, counselors and parent volunteers work diligently to meet the needs of all the students and families they serve. We, as a church, are joining Crestview and Ellisville to meet the needs of several families this coming Christmas season. 

Starting Sunday, November 15th, we will have snowflakes and candy canes for you to pick up in the lobby. These snowflakes will have details attached about certain items needed to help support the students and families of these two schools. You can bring the items back to Quest the following Sunday and put them in the lobby in the collection area. We would like to have all the items collected by Sunday, Dec 6th so the schools have time to get the items sorted and delivered to the families by Christmas.  If you have any questions about the snowflake items, please contact Kim Krause ( For questions about the candy canes, please contact Lisa Schuchardt (

In all we do this Christmas season, let’s do it with the compassion of Christ in our hearts!
