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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

2017 Annual Business Meeting

The business of the church is to celebrate the incredible work that God is accomplishing in, through, around and in spite of us. It would be a crime to degrade that sort of celebration by arguing and debating our pet peeves.
As a result, we are going to try and reveal as many things as we can concerning God’s magnificent and purposeful handiwork when we gather together Sunday morning, August 27th for a time of worship.  Yes, there will be a few items to vote on, but these are actually really fun items.  We will be re-electing five of the original seven Elders from two and a half years ago for a second term (one Elder had to move out of town and one needs to step off due to new demands at work).  We will also vote on adopting a budget for 2017-18.  In addition, we will be affirming 25 new members.  All of these are evidence of the grace of God in stewarding the resources He has entrusted to us.  As a result, those resources have been used to touch the needs of people both inside our congregation as will as in our community.
As a young church that has now planted roots in Wildwood, we are intending our work to build inroads into this community.  In order to do that we will need to continue to give the reins of ministry to everyone who has a dream and energy to accomplish those dreams.  We also understand that the determining and enduring quality that will make a difference is that of love.  Therefore, the business of Quest will be to focus our attention on those three things along with a renewed commitment to attracting, mobilizing and enriching the lives of young families.
Young families come in all shapes and sizes.  Some look like traditional shapes.  Others are single parent shapes.  Some are mixed racial sizes.  Still others are blended sizes.  There are increasing numbers of immigrant families.  But undoubtedly, they all face the many challenges that come with growing up in a crazy, confusing and sometimes reckless culture.  In order for those young families to be strong and secure, the entire church will be needed as we support, encourage and mutually love one another.
Come and celebrate together the good and great, the unique and beautiful things that Christ is accomplishing through His body, the church.