Kevin wants to take a couple of minutes to remind us about Quest’s foci for this year. There are reasons behind these 4 focus points and so we really hope you take them to heart.
Our vision is to be a people and a place where the skeptic, the inquirer
and the already convinced can find room and reason to
belong, believe and to be transformed.
Kevin wants to take a couple of minutes to remind us about Quest’s foci for this year. There are reasons behind these 4 focus points and so we really hope you take them to heart.
Johnathan wants to fill you in on what’s going on with Quest Students and this upcoming year. There are several opportunities for our students in the area of camps. We have 3 scheduled for this year and they’re all amazing opportunities for our students. Winter Retreat We are so excited to be back this year for the winter retreat over President’s Day…
Sometimes life takes a bit of a break with the go go go nature of our schedules. Maybe it’s a good time to focus in on God and his commandment to us.
It’s a new year, but not a new message series! We’re jumping back into Messy Church – our study of 1 Corinthians. Plus, Kevin has some new men’s groups he wants to tell you about. Inside Out and BetterMan Fellas, we have THREE new groups coming this winter/spring that we hope you will seriously consider being a part of. Inside Out If…